Who does that????
So I managed to survive DC's 11 degree weather a couple weeks back - but I just came back from Miami with a fucking cold. La Carreta or not, Miami officially blows goats. Miami's shittiness aside, I'm standing in line at Safeway with a handful of groceries - just enough to get me through my cold - and the woman with $162.25 worth of shit ahead of me (I was watching when she paid - sue me) turns to the guy IN THE NEXT LINE OVER and asks if he wants to jump ahead of her, sunce her husband had to run and get some other stuff. He took like 5 minutes to pay. I had SIX ITEMS!!!!!!! Cerealjuicetissuescrackersmilkandsomethingelsebuticantrememberwhat. FUCK!!!! THEN, she proceeded to check out her bajillion dollars worth of pie and onions and crap while I stood there sniffling because I'M DYING from this damned cold. And the whole time, she was slowing the cashier down cause she was berating his ability to bag groceries. Who does that???? FUCK! Who???
Color me disgruntled.
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